What Sets Tracey Tutor Apart?
A complete multisensory, phonics based
Reading, Spelling and Comprehension Program
in four color-coded levels.
Tracey Tutor Reading and Spelling is designed for all ages and all levels of ability. Our comprehensive multisensory, phonics-based curriculum was written by
a private tutor with over 20 years of experience with hundreds of students. Tracey Tutor is used extensively with typical students, with gifted students,
and with ESL students. It is particularly effective for students with learning challenges such as dyslexia, language-based learning disabilities, ADD and ADHD,
autism, memory impairment, and visual tracking problems.
A wealth of experience has contributed to produce a sequential four-level program used successfully by teachers, teachers’ aides, homeschool parents, and
tutors. Tracey Tutor is a comprehensive program with conversational instructions to effectively train you one step at a time as you teach your student(s).
Our unique directions tell you "what to do when you need to do it," as we guide you through known pitfalls and areas that prove troublesome to many students.
Using Tracey Tutor curriculum, you don’t need to be a reading specialist to tutor your student successfully!
The four levels of Tracey Tutor introduce seven syllable types which enable the student
to predict vowel sounds and spelling patterns. Having tutored countless students who
were confused by the introduction of too many letter patterns too soon, we know the
value of initially working with short vowels and closed syllables only, thus delaying the
introduction of long vowels. We intersperse spelling rules, suffixes, accent patterns,
and the schwa vowel in logical places throughout our curriculum. You will learn with
your student!